The following statement of policy appears on the Company’s website and, although developed principally with users of the Company’s facility in mind, applies equally to all Directors, employees, contractors and volunteers.
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy the words “WLS”, “we”, “our” and “us” refer to Western Leisure Services Pty Ltd (ACN 169 311 693), and “Service” means the provision of health, fitness and wellness services to the community, which includes without limitation the provision of an aquatic centre (indoor pool, SplashPark, spa/sauna/steam room), swimming lessons, gymnasium, group exercise, mind/body and cycle fitness rooms and a health and wellness centre, at one or more sites.
This Privacy Policy should be read carefully by you prior to entering into any terms, conditions, membership, subscription or other agreement or understanding with us. By providing us with your personal information for the provision of our Services to you, you agree to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information and sensitive information, as described in this Privacy Policy.